The importance of controlling sound in the workplace

Oli Birch
July 5, 2024
3 min read

We’ve all been there. Trying to focus on a task in a busy office before all of a sudden you find yourself unintentionally listening to a colleague on the phone or overhearing a water-cooler conversation. It can be hugely frustrating.

These distractions can quickly escalate too. Reduced productivity levels, increased stress and even putting employees off working in the office entirely.

That’s why controlling sound in the office is so important. Especially as companies strive to create workplaces that embrace collaboration, wellbeing and productivity.

Acoustic glazed partitions can help architects and designers strike this balance, as we explain below.

Three Benefits of Acoustic Glazed Partitions

1. Improved acoustic privacy: With our glazed partitions providing an acoustic rating of up to 53dB, separate spaces for confidential meetings or private workspaces can be created. This either takes conversations and meetings away from co-working spaces or gives those focusing on a specific task the opportunity to work in private.

2. Minimising distractions to increase productivity: By creating the spaces mentioned above, architects are minimising the distractions within the office and, as a result, helping to increase productivity levels.

3. Natural daylight: While not directly linked to acoustics, glazed partitions ensure these separate spaces are not deprived on natural daylight. This, in turn, helps to improve the productivity of the office.


While the benefits are clear, this is an incredibly high-level assessment of the benefits of acoustic glazed partitions and the impact they have on sound in the workplace.

Our expert team discuss this topic in greater detail on each project we work with architects and contractors on. Furthermore, these conversations ensure the best possible system is put forward at the specification stage to provide sufficient acoustic control every time.

If you’d like to discuss acoustics or glazed partitions for your projects, please contact us here and our team will be in touch.

Oli Birch
Content Creator

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